Considering Cosmetic Surgery Abroad?
There are many people travelling to have cosmetic surgery abroad in countries such as Turkey. Did you know that many patients also travel to the UK to have cosmetic surgery? We have many patients travelling from all over the world such as Ireland, Europe and Dubai. Here are some tips and advice for international patients who are travelling to the UK for cosmetic surgery.
We can offer video consultations for our international patients. This initial consultation will allow us to discuss your concerns and perform an initial remote examination to see which procedure would be most suitable. Some patients may prefer to send photographs of the areas of the body and face before their consultation. All patients requiring implants will need an in-person consultation before surgery. We recommend having this no later than a week before surgery. This allows us time to order specific implants for the case.  You will usually need a preop appointment before surgery. The hospital will contact you to arrange this and most of this may be possible via phone. Â
Travel Advice
Check your country's visa requirements in advance, and get any essential paperwork or permits. We recommend you check the UK Gov website to see if you require a visa to travel to the UK.
Arrival Before Surgery
We recommend that you arrive at least one day before your surgery if your flight is less than 4 hours but 2 days if the flight is over 4 hours. Our hospital admission times can vary, the earliest one being 7 am. Arriving the day before will remove any unnecessary stress and allow for rest and relaxation before the procedure. You will need a swab taken the to test for MRSA before surgery. We recommend doing this before surgery and arrangements will be made with the hospital.Â
Follow Up Appointments
Depending on where your country of origin is, we may recommend you stay in the area until the hospital has carried out your 7-day wound check. We understand that this isn't always ideal, and many of our patients, particularly those from Ireland, choose to fly home the next day. You must ensure you return with our trained nurses for your 7-day wound check. You must have enough time to recover and receive proper post-operative care. Travelling with somebody is always advised and essential, you will be unable to carry your own luggage or lift your own bags into overhead lockers following your procedure. You will also need someone with you should any emergencies arise.Â
During your stay, we want to ensure you are well cared for and comfortable. Having cosmetic surgery really can be a life-changing experience. Make sure to follow your surgeon's aftercare instructions, such as taking medications, resting, and avoiding strenuous activities to aid your recovery.
After your initial dressing check, you should hopefully not need to see us again until about 6-8 weeks after your surgery. Some patients may need further dressings which may need further visits after the initial check.
Why It Is Important to Use a BAAPS Registered Surgeon
The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons is a professional organization that promotes safety and excellence in cosmetic surgery. By selecting a BAAPS qualified surgeon, you can be sure that your surgeon has the necessary education, training, and expertise to carry out your treatment safely and effectively.
Choosing the right surgeon can be challenging. Taking the time out to plan and travel can also be an additional burden. With our team here to guide and advise you on the best steps, we hope it takes some of the pressure off and makes for an easy and exciting trip.